4 Kg. Nursing Home, Odour, Mould and Mildew Eliminator - Cream
- Slow Release - Reduce Odour, Mildew, Mould and Bacteria,
- Reduce cross infection & food poisoning risks.
- Reduces odour by killing airborne bacteria, mould & mildew.
- Has been used to reduce the odour of gangrene and urine
- Sanitises and deodorises the filters, coils, ducting and the building interior.
- Original Safe T air is a 100% natural Australian broad spectrum biocide.
- Hypoallergenic, non-toxic, proven totally safe.
- NOT perfumed.
- Makes a building smell “Fresh”.
- Does NOT mask odour - It kills it !
- This size pack should be placed in return air duct of a heating / air-conditioning system.
- Also available in 2 Kg, 1 Kg, 500gm, 200gm, and 100gm packs.
- Please ensure that correct size pack is being used. We suggest that your air-conditioning contractor contact us.
- Liquid spray version available for spot treating problem areas.
- It should last 2 – 3 months.